SAAS Services Revenue Riddle
SAAS CEOs and CROs are always on the prowl for one thing for sure and that is about how do I increase my recurring revenue and profitability. It’s no different for other CEOs but more so for the SaaS folks who are on the run to ring the bell on wall street. I am not going to touch up on the usual obvious avenues but instead talk about ways and means of recasting and optimising already existing sources of revenue to bolster the recurring Revenue and profitability. Recurring is the key for profitable sustenance of the SAAS business model. Professional Services are imminent but SAAS companies typically shy away from 'Services' in their balance sheets for obvious reasons as they tend to dent margins. To note, SAAS itself expands to 'Software as a Service' and 'Service' holds equal stake in success just that they costs more and that’s the challenge. If services are streamlined, canned and optimised they can be predictable and recurring sources of revenue turning...